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strategic review中文是什么意思

用"strategic review"造句"strategic review"怎么读"strategic review" in a sentence


  • 策略性复核
  • 战略研究


  • Strategic review of information system
  • " the strategic review of the club is going well and , with the new season fast approaching , we feel the time is right to make the change
    “俱乐部在战略方面都进行的很好,随着新赛季的到来,我们觉得是时候做些改变了。 ”
  • The positioning of the council adopted in its 2001 organization restructuring is confirmed by the executive committee in the follow up strategic review in 2002 to be relevant and should be maintained
  • The positioning of the council adopted in its 2001 organization restructuring is confirmed by the executive committee in the follow up strategic review in 2002 to be relevant and should be maintained
  • The exposure of the exchange fund to hong kong equities has been considered , in the elaborate strategic review undertaken at the end of 1998 to optimise asset allocation for the exchange fund , to be far too high
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